Sunday, 25 December 2016

Digital India facts

Please watch above videos for our country

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Demonetization facts

Total 500 old notes = 1571 crore
Total 1000 old notes = 633 crore

Total 500 old notes + 1000 old notes=  2204 crore notes

New 500 notes needs to printed = Approx 1500 crore
New 2000 notes needs to printed = 633/2 = 300 crore

Total printing press in India to print the notes are 4 and capacity 2600 crore notes /year

Government said its not instant decision they are thinking for this for 10 months then 8 November was the implementation date

If govt is thinking for 10 months then  approx 1800 notes could have been easily printed in 7-9 months.

Why govt was sleeping ????

ATM has cassettes dedicated to 100,500,1000  now new notes are totally different in size all cassettes needs to be changed ,, if they would have used same size then existing cassettes could have been reused .

total ATM 2 lakh 20 thousand now all needs to be changed as per new notes , total changes 4 lakhs 40 thousands.

Where is the planning?????

Monday, 19 December 2016

Why demonetization failed in India

There is a right of each and every Indian 



1 [21A. Right to education.—The State shall provide free and Compulsory education to all children of the age of six to fourteen years in such manner as the State may, by law, determine.]

This is the main reason why demonetization fail in India..because government failed about  Right to education

Sunday, 18 December 2016

कौन है प्रधान ?

कौन है प्रधान ?

हमने पुछा हज़ारों से ,कौन देश का है  प्रधान ???
कोई बोला राष्ट्रपति  ,,,,कई बोले "प्रधान मंत्री" से समझ नहीं आता.. कि वो ही हमारा प्रधान

मैं  थोड़ा असमंजस में पड़ गया , सोचा, कौन से स्कूल में मैंने पढाई की है कही डिग्री तो झूठी  नहीं पायी है

बचपन में पढ़ा था ,हमारा भारत कृषि प्रधान... हमारा भारत कृषि प्रधान....

Friday, 16 December 2016

Demonetization became childish decision .. see how

The biggest bank of the world also victim of hackers

"Hackers broke into JPMorgan's network through a giant security hole left open by a failure to switch on two-factor authentication on an overlooked server.
The New York Times reports that technicians at JPM had failed to upgrade one of its network servers, meaning that access was possible without knowing a combination of a password and the value of a one-time code."

Before supporting Government demonetization
Ask question to yourself.

1. Do you know all security feature against Cyber crime? ( 95% don't know)
2.Is your data (Money) Secured ? ( 100% no as software are outdated in ATM machine)
3. Do you have the list how many frauds are happening in Online? ( Take a look)
4. Do you know where to report if you encounter any fraud? ( 95 % don't know)
5. Is Government capable enough to investigate and return your money back ? ( not capable)
6.Do you know your rights about cyber crime? ( Think on this)
7. In case of any fraud how much you will get back?

Cyber crime in more dangerous than cash crimes. you will be surprised that there is no judge appointed for this type of crime in INDIA.

So in my opinion this is childish decision of Government without any homework.

68 % people are using cash and 32 % online so At least government should improve technology and men power to handle this 68 % conversion ..

Demonetization is non off course good but proper homework to handle the consequences must be there.

Agreed ???

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Demonetization Dimensions

" I am not economist but The plan is not good until this benefit the end user (Poor people)"

" I am not economist but what is the provision for those rich people who are doing 80% corruption via online?"

Surprisingly  USA also  have many corrupted people and they are doing online  transactions and USA  have better intelligence than us.So only question here why we are so much worried about corruption which is in middle level , why are we not targeting big frauds?

I am really not Anti-Modi but I support our country first before any Party/Politician..

In my opinion Online Black Money should have been targeted first before Cash.

There are certain rules of demonetization.

1. All transport must be free for food/medicines and must be under control by government at Toll naka.
2. Enough staff should be there to support transportation for food and enough staff must be there to investigate black money.
3. there must be coupon system for food/basic need items .

Example .. Government can open central market where one administration counter will be there they will sell the coupons to vendor and client via online and cash system  , people can buy and sell the things using coupon and while returning  they can return the remaining coupons in the counter. The money will be credited back to their also will avoid small currency issue

4. Whatever Tax is received by government must be immediately used in basic needs of people.

5. Very important, 
 do the homework how much you will get by demonetization.

68% people use cash in current situation and only 7% people are having black money so first need to do the investigation for those who are very rich and corrupt 

6. Token system must be there for avoiding queue.

Only 1 lakh people will be required to manage queue system. 

There are several dimensions-

1) Black money is a problem, I agree. Few (about 10-15%) hoarders taking huge advantage in society which needs to be neutralized, I agree.
There are people who have made fortunes (as immovable property) in terms of private cash-cow institutions, buildings, lands, gold hoarding, temple business, fake trusts and NGOs, societies, and what not.
When will Modi eliminate all of that?
Modi looks short sighted if he thinks everything will be under control and solved by this one move.
Problems will be there as long as there are greedy corrupt minded inhuman creatures exist. These creatures have bypassed all laws and rules and will continue to do so in centuries to come.
2) If dearest Modi has true intentions of corruption free, fair, equitable and equal society then he must consider to abolish/ban all existing political parties and and nationalize their funds and properties and then hold fresh elections step by step with newer people associations/parties. 
3) Mr Modi must also get proper auditing of government expenditures done. There is a huge inefficiency of governmental system which is wasting resources and breeding corruption and black money. You look at public health infrastructure at ground level. You get a glimpse. This will help govt to reduce taxes and ease the burden on ordinary people.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Demonetization major issue

" I don't want to comment on demonetization whether it is correct or not.."

Just want to say INDIA population is approx  1.3 billion and because of Demonetization people are wasting their time in queue let’s assume only 0.5 billion people are standing in the queue for 5 hours.

then 0.5*5 hours = 2.5 billion hrs in a day..

2.5 billion hrs * 30 days = 75 billion hrs.

Can't we use token machine in at least few ATMs so that public can take the token and come accordingly to ATM to withdraw cash?

We could save billions of hours, currently we have already wasted 
75 billion hrs = 7500 crore hrs.

it means (7500/24) crore days= 312.5 crore days. This means 

312.5 crore days  = 3125000 thousand days

This means (3125000 thousand days/365 ) years =  8560 years..

Common Public please see this figure it is only half estimate don't keep quiet and help our nation to resolve this issue first...

We are already behind 8560 years of existing development if we consider 0.5 billion but  Wait it seems it is very big estimate so make the count 100 times less

that is 0.5 billion/100 = 0.005 billion = 5 million  

No-one can deny that 5 million people /day standing in queue  , even the count would be more but  Even if we consider only 0.005 billion (5 million)  then estimate will be  85.60 years ..

I hate congress and other parties as they are asking for BHARAT BAND .. 
You can imagine how much loss country has to tolerate.. so help people in solving the issue in place of creating more issue for country.. 

I am not against Demonetization but  Don't you think its a very very big loss,Comment and share your views..As we are already 85.60 years behind


देश विज्ञान से समर्थ बनता है न की अन्धविश्वास से

Thursday, 8 December 2016

स्वाभिमान :

कहते हैं सीधा पेड़ पहले कटता हैं , मैं कहता हूँ सीधा भी सत्ता में आकर टेढ़ा हो जाता हैं ,
सीधा ही रहा पेड़ अगर,, तो सत्ता में कहाँ टिक पाता हैं |

कहता हूँ क्यों नहीं पी पाता अपमान , जब नहीं आता बेचना तुझे अपना स्वाभिमान,
जो स्वाभिमानी होता हैं कभी अच्छा व्यापारी नहीं बन पाता हैं , देश का सौदा नहीं कर पाता हैं  ,

असल मजा तो बेचने मै आता हैं तू बैठा बैठा समझदारी का चौपाल लगाता हैं ,विडंबना ये हैं ,कोई भी समझदारी का मत तेर पक्ष में नहीं आता हैं , पागलों की भीड़ में तेरा रोना तय हो जाता हैं ..

सौदागरों की मंडी में स्वाभिमान की बोली लगाता हैं , अनमोल हैं तेरा स्वाभिमान अच्छे से अच्छा नेता तेरे सामने भिखारी बन जाता हैं ,

असफल तो होना ही था तुझे , तू न तो समझौता कर पाता है और न ही तुझे सौदा करना आता हैं
साधारण आदमी से ही खुश रहता हैं परिवार , महापुरष तो न अच्छा पति कहलाता हैं न ही अच्छा बाप बन पाता हैं |
महापुरुष का जीवन लोगो को मरने के बाद समझ आता हैं , तू चीज़ क्या हैं देवता  को भी यहाँ कीलों से लटका दिया जाता हैं

कैसे कर पाएगा भला तू इन खुदगरजों का ,तेरे को  बातें बनाना भी तो नहीं आता हैं .|
खुदगर्ज़ जनता स्वाभिमान से हमेशा डरती हैं तभी तो सरल व्यक्ति को चुनती हैं |

जनता तो  उस औरत की तरह होती है जब तक बेईमानी से उसका पेट भरे तब तक खुश रहती हैं , यदि पड़ गया भूखा रहना स्वाभिमान से एक दिन भी ,तो पल भर में तलाक दे देती हैं |

ये दुनिया प्रतिभा से डरती हैं साधारण सा आदमी और  बेईमान चुनती हैं , न खुद बदलती हैं न बदलने देती हैं
खुद तो बईमान रहती हैं और दूसरों से ईमानदारी को उम्मीद करती हैं , चाहे लाख जतन कर लो ये दुनिया ऐसे ही चलती रहती हैं

पोंछ दे अपने आंसू अभी तेरा सफर सुरु हुआ हैं ,हो सकता तेरे को लोग कीलों से नहीं लटकाएंगे , हो सकता तेरा स्वाभिमान देख तेरे मरने से पहले लोग  थोड़ा ही सही कुछ तो स्वाभिमानी हो जाएंगे |

अभिषेक यादव

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Policy vs politician

Judge the policy but not the politician
If Policy is genuine , love the politician
If Policy itself a corruption,kick the politician


Win the debate by logic not by argument..
Winning debate by argument is absurdity 

स्वर्गीय राजीव दिक्षित जी

आज भारत में आई अर्थक्रांति की ज्वाला को सभी मोदी जी के नाम से जानते हैं , निःसंदेह यह एक महान कार्य है ,परंतु उससे भी महान वो दीपक हैं जिन्होंने इस ज्वाला को जन्म दिया- "स्वर्गीय राजीव दिक्षित जी", जिन्होंने  सर्वप्रथम विमुद्रीकरण  करने का विचार दिया था। आज उनकी पुण्यतिथि पर उन्हें याद करते हुए सिर्फ इतना कहना चाहूंगा की यदि आज भी वह दीपक होता तो न जाने कितनी ज्वालाओं को जन्म दे चुका होता।

हालांकि भाजपा के पास कोई योजना नहीं है , न ही मोदीजी को इतनी समझ है की इसको साकार कैसे करे
काश मोदी जी ने पूरी तरह समझ के विमुद्रीकरण को अंजाम दिया होता